4 Ways You Can Take Advantage Of Narcissists

Here are some ways you can take advantage of narcissists. These are no long-term solutions. These are just tools that you can use to bring yourself more in touch with yourself and into reality.

A narcissist is not going to change and if you want to keep your self-respect you ultimately have to either show them the door or leave them.


0:00 Why You Should Leave
0:31 Let Them Probe For Weaknesses
1:35 Creating Your Own Self-Image
2:44 Let Them Bring You Into Your Emotions
4:14 Be More Of Who You Are
5:25 Consequences Of Staying With Narcissists

Here are some ways on how you can take advantage of a narcissist.

The best is to leave a narcissist because a narcissist is going to wear you down over a long time. Their toxic behavior and mindset is going to impact you over a longer time frame and it’s going to rub off on you. It can come to a detriment to you and distract you.

Here some ways on how you can take advantage of them.

Let them antagonize you for an hour or two. Let them attack you and do not react. So let them attack you and let probe for weaknesses. They are essentially looking for weaknesses. They’re looking for things that stick and get you to react.

If you just remain non-reactive but you pay attention if there’s anything that you have a strong emotion about then they found a weakness in you.

That’s something that you can work on. That you can better or that you can change your mind that you have about it and better yourself.

So you can use them in order to find weaknesses in yourself.

Then the other thing is that you can create a mind of your own about who you are. If your entire self-image is based off what other people say then it’s not good because in the world everyone can run around call you anything they want. They can call you what they are or call you anything. It doesn’t have to make it the truth. So you can use them in order to create a self-image that’s more accurate and that’s better.

If they throw 30 40 things at you and you look at every single thing of them and check:

is that true,

is that not true,

is that a lie,

is that false,

is that me or is that them

and you can create an more accurate image about yourself instead just blindly accepting whatever someone says about you.

Another thing is. If you’re someone that’s very much in their head and not in touch with your emotions then they’re going to screw you over. There’s no rationality with a narcissist. It’s not someone that you can have a rational conversation with.

So to come out in a better way, let them bring you into your emotions. Let them bring you back into touch with your own emotions and not just constantly in your head.

The more they try to confuse you, the more you can use that in order to bring yourself into your emotions or in touch with your emotions and see what’s actually going on.

Also if they use emotional manipulation you’re aware of that. And whatever if they do something that you’re not okay with then you notice that as well but if you if you’re in your head then you can lose that. You can lose a lot of like things that bring you clarity.

Then you can also use them in order to be more real. So you can actually just speak your mind direct and honest instead maybe being someone that tries to be nice.

You can be someone that actually is more honest and direct, real, more authentic and just speaks your mind because they also act in likely very horrendous ways. So you don’t have to be fake about what you think, who you are and can be more honest and direct about what you think.

These are four ways take advantage of a narcissist. These things can help you better yourself.

However ultimately you don’t want to stay around a narcissist for too long. You’re getting the distracted, you can lose self-respect for yourself and ultimately they’re going to rub off on you and their toxic mindset and behavior is going to impact you in the longer time frame.

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