
Hello there..

If you would like to support my work you can just join Apollo Wake with a patreon membership but if you you would like to donate crypto then you can do that as well.

Thank you.

Crypto-Currency Donations

Bitcoin: bc1q03xhfaww86frme20rcxzp4g8leg6l4jefp47gf
Ethereum: 0xde656Ff2dBce6D93d8BED2FBd48312F286fea4eB
Litecoin: LQsjheqS4dj3CPZ9W1A19JnoT3sQB4Vx5F
Monero: 42rRZyVRQzRYMfNpoQSeQLhGq48h2ZsLXUgLyu4zignQePeA2ibHheg5ick3Bs4DfaXpWgebszgcmEYFejdns4fA2rTCCH8
Bitcoin Cash: qqeyhvwdftazk3jzqhqwlt35tfxk0ezvgg0vur30d5

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