Can Mainstream Media Be Trusted?

Playing some clips that show how the “news” outlets skews things.


Alright, folks, let’s talk about why you can’t always trust what you see on mainstream media. If you haven’t already lost trust, you might after seeing some of these fake reportings. So, let’s kick off with the first one.

Now, they’re talking about airline delays, right? Saying they’ve made improvement in on-time performance since last year. But hold on a second. It’s all delayed. And did you catch that camera angle? They’re probably not intending to show you the reality behind the scenes.

Next up, we’ve got this weather reporter supposedly battling fierce winds during a hurricane. But wait, look in the background. People are just casually strolling by like it’s a walk in the park. And then they try to explain it away by blaming the wet grass. Come on, give that guy an Oscar already!

And who could forget that cringy scripted news anchors? Blah, blah, blah. It’s the same spiel we hear over and over again, but this time they got caught red-handed reading from the same script. They’re all in on the act and all got their scripts handed down. Sovereign unbiased independent news that wasn’t paid for? I don’t think so.

But it’s not just the big networks. Even online news outlets are guilty of regurgitating the same stories. And when you compare their coverage to what you see in reality and what others post on social media, it’s like night and day. You start to realize how they manipulate angles and perspectives to fit their narrative.

So, next time you’re watching the news, keep a skeptical eye. And if you really want to know what’s going on, don’t just rely on one source. Check social media, talk to people who were actually there, and piece together the truth for yourself.

That’s it for now. Stay informed, stay vigilant, and I’ll see you in the next video.

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