The Value of Pain

My take on the importance of pain and why it should be acknowledged not ignored.

I think a lot of people are keeping themselves in a place of pain. They don’t acknowledge their pain, they feel it maybe, but they don’t acknowledge it.

They could be in a painful position but they don’t make changes. It becomes something that they tolerate, that they endure and maybe even have the idea that there is some virtue to being in pain.

I want to kind of deconstruct it a little bit. So for once I think we should not ignore pain. It’s an indicator, there’s a lesson in there.

Something we don’t want or something that’s harmful to us, something that needs to change something that we participate in that’s not good for us or something that you should be doing but not doing

So there’s a lesson in pain and if you don’t acknowledge it and ignore it I think it just keeps adding up.

It becomes worse and worse, also whatever is wrong just gets more wrong. So if we have indicators telling us like something is not right then and we acknowledge it we can see a lesson and something.

Maybe we need to go in a different direction or maybe this what we are doing is not.

That lesson or also the desire for something better is not acknowledged so we we don’t realize what the desire for the next better thing would be or what we need to change.

If we ignore the pain I think ultimately leads only to a worse place and I think a lot of people think of pain as a virtue maybe. They think they are virtues by suffering or being in pain.

While I think pain is absolutely part of life and it’s necessary. You cannot go through life without ever experiencing pain, pain is coming if we have bad relationships, if we doing the wrong things, be it work wise be or situations. Whatever it i. We can’t go through life without experiencing pain but the pain is an indicator or a signal to make a change and also to think about or create a new desire for something.

If we don’t do that we could for example end up in a place that ends up being hell or misery, where we for example end up in a dead-end job but don’t acknowledge it. So we stay in something that’s not good for us and that’s just one example.

That’s why it’s important to acknowledge pain. I think because a lot of people developed some kind of tolerance to pain they staying stuck in something that’s not good for them.

There’s a good question to inquisitee the pain:

What kind of lesson is the pain telling me (what’s the lesson behind this)

What am I tolerating right now

What is the reason that I’m tolerating it

I think if you take a journal or something and you just write it out then you get an idea to why you do what you do and why you keep yourself in a position or a place that’s not good for you where you need to make a change or stop doing something that’s harmful to you.

Asking yourself those three questions gives you an idea to why you do what you do and what better changes or choices you could make.

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