You Deserve Fun

If you grew up around critical people then you potentially picked up the believe that you don’t deserve to have fun. It’s also the messaging you can receive going to school.


0:00 Why You Think You Should Have No Fun
1:00 Fun Can Be Part Of Life
1:11 Why Fun Is Good
1:47 Why Fun Is Unacceptable
2:11 Think For Yourself If You Are Inherently Deserving Of Fun

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Growing up around highly critical people can leave you with the impression that you don’t deserve to have fun. Their negativity can suck the joy out of everything, turning enjoyable moments into unpleasant experiences. You might internalize the message that you’re not worthy of fun, that somehow you don’t deserve to experience happiness.

But it’s essential to challenge these beliefs and recognize that you do deserve to have fun. Fun is a fundamental aspect of life that adds richness and enjoyment. While life isn’t solely about having fun, denying yourself the simple pleasure of enjoyment can diminish your overall well-being.

Take a moment to reflect on when you first received this messaging about not deserving fun. Recognize that it wasn’t about you—it was about the other person’s issues projected onto you. You have the power to redefine your worthiness and embrace the joy that comes from having fun.

So, don’t let the critical voices of others dictate your relationship with fun. You deserve to experience happiness and enjoyment in your life, just like anyone else. Trust in your worthiness and allow yourself to embrace the fun moments that come your way. After all, life is meant to be enjoyed.

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