How To Break Your Phone Addiction

Two simple steps that leave you in control of your phone and not the other way around.

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You know how it goes with phones these days, right? It’s like they’ve become our personal pocket distraction machines. But hey, I’ve got a little trick up my sleeve that might just help you break free from that addiction.

First off, let’s tackle those pesky notifications. You don’t need ’em. Seriously, turn ’em all off. No more buzzing, beeping, or flashing lights demanding your attention.

Next up, practice leaving your phone behind. Yeah, I know it sounds crazy. When you head out somewhere, try leaving your phone at home or in the car. Trust me, the world won’t end if you’re not glued to it every second.

By ditching those notifications and giving yourself some phone-free time, you’ll start to reclaim control. Suddenly, your phone becomes a tool you use on your terms, not something that hijacks your focus every five minutes.

Alright, catch you in the next video!

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